
Hair 'n plants

I get irresistible and inexplicable urges to wash my hair at the oddest times of the day sometimes, even when it's really clean and all. I'd been sitting in my bowl chair, reading Anansi Boys by Niel Gaiman, for about an hour when I looked at my clock, thought "4:30, Time to wash my hair!" and jumped in the shower before I had even really considered it odd.
School started back today. It was very much a Monday-after-a-holiday kind of day. But it's back to usual now. My ivy actually wilted over the break. I came home and much to my surprise, it was shriveled all up. In fact, it's still sitting pathetically on my window sill. I watered it in a vain attempt to bring it back, but I believe it's out for the count. Still, I can't really bring myself to throw it out, so I think it'll have to remain there for the time being. Who knows, perhaps it will revive yet? Ah, now that's got me thinking of some cheesy, B-movie about zombie plants. "The Undergrowth Arises!" "Attack of the Shriveled Leaf!" Dun-Dun-Duuuuunnn....No? Okay then, going a bit far there I guess. I'm off to do calc homework now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rising from the depths of chlorophytic hell comes a new kind of terror. One that can only be described as the green death, for though it may once have fed on dirt and light, it now hungers... for blood. Coming this Summer, "Dawn of the Ivy: ,POISON Ivy".