
Forums, Oozeball, and Opera, OH MY!

Note to self: Don't microwave pop tarts for longer than 15 seconds, they explode!

Two more weeks of classes, then finals week and I'm done for the semester. The Global Warming Forum was Tuesday and all went over well. What a relief! Well over two months of planning went into putting our forum together. I was so nervous when it was about to start, because I really wanted it to run smoothly, and it did. The panelists all presented their different views, the audience had a consistent amount of legitimate questions, and we had a solid number of people show up. I was overall pleased, and I have already started thinking about next year's forum.
Last week was Spring Fever here at ULM. This includes various activities spread out across the week, including everything from loud concerts and Guitar Hero showdowns, to mind readers and free caricatures. Most of the activities I didn't participate in, but I did attend oozeball on Friday. Get this, it's pretty much volleyball in huge mud pits. It's sounds trashy, but it is pretty much awesome. The AMS had two teams. I wasn't actually playing this time but I had a great time watching our people play. And of course, seeing as I didn't participate in the game, everyone was sure to give me lots of muddy wet hugs...and a mud mustache at one point. :-P I am definitely going to play next spring.
My last day at Simmons' was yesterday. Whew, my amount of camo exposure will be going down now. Haha, but really, I did enjoy working there for the most part. The girls in the front were super nice, and I can always use the extra income. Summer will be here soon though, and I'll be working a whole lot back home. So, all's well.
Last night Jacob and I went to a production by the visual and performing arts students here. It was two opera's, one a tragedy, Suor Angelica, sung entirely in Italian, and one a comedy, Gianni Schicchi, which was very fun. Both were shockingly excellent. We have some incredible singers here at ULM and they put on a much better show than I would have expected from this place. I was most pleased.
Well, registration starts tomorrow for Fall classes. I'm sillily excited about this, like the super nerd I am. :] My classes were planned out as soon as they posted we would start advising last week. Next semester is going to be hard. Hands down. But I think I'll like it. Is it wrong to be giddy over new classes when I haven't even taken this semester's finals yet? Ah, well. What are you looking forward to for this summer?

1 comment:

Jwxgt said...

guess who? yeah, it's me...i got a blog...good for me! lol. the opera was good wasn't it?