
Spring and Baton Rouge

I have again been utterly surprised by the greenness of spring. Driving down to Baton Rouge on Monday(more on that in a minute), I kept wondering, What's different around here? Then, coming down a huge sloping hill I realized, Ah, everything is so bright and green! Brilliant purple and yellow flowers grew all along the sides of the road, and it was a very pleasant drive. But I am also ever surprised at spring about how much allergies suck. Pollen piles on pavement and cars and finds it's way right into my nose and eyes. So there is the good and bad of spring.

More good to spring though is definitely spring break. Monday Caroline, Leslie, and I went down to Baton Rouge to watch the LSU women's basketball playoffs game. We had awesome front row seats and had a great time. We even happened to be there at the same time Anthony was visiting the college, so we got to have lunch together, which pleased me greatly. :] It was quite the adventure driving about BR and all. I got to see my lovely Mr. Darby when we were there and stayed at Adam's house. Tuesday we drove back to Leslie's house and played Guitar Hero and such. And now I'm back home for the rest of the week. It's good to be home. I've got two new books and I've been reading like I used to. I love it. ^_^ Peace, everyone.


Anonymous said...

Lol. That was such a random event, and I absolutely loved it. It was like, hey what's up I'm in BR at the same time as you inexplicably so let's chill. Yeah. Good day.

Lara said...

I know, right? If the other occupants had been of a better state of mind that would have been cooler... Haha, but yeah, totally.