
It feels odd walking around the campus on a Monday morning and seeing empty sidewalks and significantly less cars. It's finals week, so the usual hustle and bustle of people outside in the morning and around lunch time is missing. People are either not here because of the lack of classes or they are cramped up inside, cramming the facts and formulas they've forgotten over the semester back in their head. It just seems more empty right now.
The Christmas lights are up around campus now and the tree is lit up in front of the library. I like how everything sparkles and shines this time of the year. When the air is cold and everything is crisper and cleaner. The wind almost knocked me over when I stepped out of the library last night.
I've got three more finals this week and then I'm done for the semester. I'm going to miss being here for the next five weeks, but I'm looking forward to seeing a few fine friends of mine. Everyone call me if you're in town and want to get together. I love hearing from all of you.

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