
School and a Hunting Store.

So I've been reading a whole lot more and obviously writing a whole lot less lately. Which hasn't really bothered me until today. I've been back in school for a couple of weeks now. I enjoyed coming back and seeing everybody, being excited and asking how people's holidays went, and what they did. But now it's all back to the normal flow of things. All science classes and calc. 2 are what I'm taking. I'd really like to be taking a literature class right now, but that's next year.
Anyways, like I said. I've been reading more. I just finished
Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. He's the dude who wrote Fight Club and Choke. Anthony gave me the book for Christmas, and he continues to have good taste in such materials. As soon as I can make it to the bookstore I'm going to buy Brave New World. And probably a couple others as well. And speaking of going places, there's a good chance that my car is terminally ill. Something is very wrong. Most likely the transmission. And if that goes, then I'll be getting to know my bike again quite well. But, it hasn't killed me or died yet, so I'm hoping it will keep kicking for now.

I've got this weekend job at a hunting store... (Okay sometimes there's no way to transition into these things. So blah.) I work as a cashier at this place called Simmons' Sporting Goods. It's where Caroline works, so we switch off weekends. The people are generally very nice, and it's not a hard job at all. This is a very big store, with guns and knifes and clothes and gloves and waders and kill-things-with-these and process-the-dead-things-with-that. And all the people that shop there think of camo as EVERY DAY wear. Like okay, if you're going hunting, or in the military, or hiding out, sure it makes since to wear camouflage, but oh God. Almost every person who goes in there could go back outside, and I would not be able to see them!
They even sell camouflage night gowns. And couches. But I guess that's just their thing. And it's definitely not mine. So I shouldn't be hating on them. Just most people around here don't get what I'm saying when I point this out. Reh...hahaha. I'm just totally used to something entirely different I guess. The patrons of Simmons' could say the same type of thing for something about me, I'm sure.
Enough of this for now. I mostly wanted you to know I've got an occasional job. And I do enjoy it for the most part. The people I work with are great, so I have fun usually.
School keeps me busy, my friends keep me entirely happy and entertained, and I'm about to go make a cup of this Irish breakfast tea I've been eyeing for the last half hour. So tell me, how's your schooling and work, life and such? I like to know what you've been up to as well. :]

1 comment:

esunasoul said...

Not able to see them...hahaha!