

If you didn't know before now, well you probably weren't paying attention, because I have the most awesome aunt ever. Halloween has always been a favorite holiday to me. The whole time of Halloween and Thanksgiving is deemed as "Punkintines" within my family. It's my favorite time of year, filled with pumpkins and spices, cool air and crisp colored leaves, food, family, fun, and of course, Punkintines packages. Every year Lori sends us packages filled with wonderful Punkintines things! See? Photobucket

We're having our annual AMS Halloween Costume Party on Halloween. I'm super excited about it, seeing as last year's was a blast. I hope it goes as well this time. We've still got some planning to do, but I'm thinking everything will come together well. I'll have more to say about it all afterwards, so keep reading. Thanks so much ^_^


Anonymous said...

So, I feel bad for not reading your blog. And I think I've got behind by like eight months. But I'm going to start over. Anyways, Halloween (and just fall in) general is a fantastic time of year. I'm super eager to graduate and be free from lame high school and be able to see youuuu.

Until next time.

TrueToddlerTales said...

What neil gaiman comic did your aunt give you? New?

Lara said...

Thanks Anthony :]

Jzayara, it wasn't a new comic, it was a new novel. The Graveyard Book. I'm liking it. It's one of his children's novels, like Coraline was.