

Why it strikes my fancy to start typing these things at 2:00 in the morning, I'll never know, but here I am, so I'll just go with it. I skipped the whole birthday extravaganzas, finals stresses, and finishing the whole first year of college thing that I guess I could have written, but I think we'll be able to cope. But lately I've been reminded of a time not too long before school let out...

I've just gotten out of biology class earlier than usual, so the typical bussle of people hasn't quite filled the spaces between classes yet. I'm not in the cheeriest of moods(I really don't like biology :[ ), so I'm walking up to the crosswalk, not paying much attention to the few people I'm passing along the way. I walk up to the corner of the street, passing a tall, older, black man and proceed to slouch there, waiting for the WALK light to pop up. We both cross the street and I begin to pull out my keys, when I hear, "I'm sorry, I apologize." I look around to see who the man is speaking to, but it's just me and him there, so I ask "Sorry?" He said, "I apologize, I didn't speak to you back there. Not even acknowledging your presence. It's a shame we've come to that in this day and age. Going about and ignoring people and all. So, I apologize. And you have a wonderful day." Then he just keeps walking off. Standing there, somewhat surprised, I just have one of those, "Huh...yeah!" moments. No, it wasn't the first time I've heard something like what this man was saying. It's not a foreign or original thought. But it was a nice reminder. It was a hello, acknowledge others thing. It was a talk to store clerks, and people who enter a room, and everyone you know and don't know, cause you really never know, kind of thing to me then. Just a Huh...yeah, kind of moment. It's the type of thing that makes me happy to hear and happier to do. So, yeah. I've been trying to not ignore people so much. It happens all the time, but I'm working on counteracting that.

Summer's fair. I love my job at the NWS. It's good to have my family around. I miss everyone from school super bad, but I'm still happy to see everyone I missed from here when I was in Funroe. I'm looking forward to bunches of stuff and Heather and I need to work on a lot more of her wedding stuffs. ~Cheers everyone!~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sounds like an amazing moment to have experienced. honestly, i'm jealous.
but yeah, you never do know who you'll meet or how amazing people can be (and most likely are). i'm reminded of an augusten burroughs quote that more or less states that you could be standing next to a stranger and not know that you will marry him or her one day. i wish i had the quote memorized because it's beautiful.