
This weekend has been good for me. Hung out with David most of the time. I enjoy his company. We watched Labyrinth because I'd never seen it before and it is a great movie. Yesterday was Pi(e) Day, so we thought that a great excuse to bake a blueberry-raspberry pie. Let me tell you, that was one tasty pie. The berries popped and released such sweet juice in my mouth that reminded me of Memphis summers and 4th of July picnics. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it up there this summer, which is really upsetting. But perhaps it will work. I like to hope so. But back to this weekend, David and I also watched Wizard People, Dear Reader, which is an alternate voice over to the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I found it most amusing. It's done by the same person who did the Washington Rap.
In other news, the semester is now half way over. And I'm surprised at how much I am not excited about that. I'm kind of disappointed by that fact actually, because when this semester is over, I only have two more years here, and that seems like an awfully short amount of time in the scheme of things. What I was happy about on school related topics was that at Browse the Bayou we had at least three or four prospective majors. And I believe we had that many last semester, so I'm always glad to meet the new ones coming in to join us.

Other than that dear readers, I don't have much for you now. My apologies. Here's a dance and song I really liked if you wanted something entertaining to watch.

I almost forgot to tell you. I'm playing intramural softball with the AMS this week! Wish me luck! We all know how much I hurt myself with any type of throw-catch-swing-at-a-ball sports. Haha.

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